24/6/ · School life is the period that makes up most of your childhood memories. We learn to laugh, cry, share, and support by co-habiting with our classmates. Schools are the framework that builds our moral characters and serves as a pathway that we must follow to achieve our dreams School life is preparing me for a better and a fuller life ahead. I am preparing myself for the battle of life. The punishment for my sins of omission and commission is not painful to me. It strengthens my character and leads me on to the right path. I take great pleasure and pride in all that my school life can provide me with and stands for 31/7/ · School life. School life is the most pleasant period in a man’s life. Everyone longs for those cheerful days in his later life. One feels very happy when he recalls the old memories of his school life. The joys of school life are numerous. School is a place of youth. Even the old feel happy and smart in the company of young students. It is a carefree life
Paragraph and Short Essay on Life after School - Essay Banyan - Collections of Essays for Students
Boys and girls are sent to school to be trained as good citizens, to become men and women of fine character. But it is realised now that short paragraph on school life is only one side of school life, though it has a certain importance.
A good scholar will be of little use to the nation if he is untruthful, irregular, timorous and unreliable, short paragraph on school life. The best school is that which concentrates on personality and character. Boys and girls are quick to realize good qualities in each other. If a boy is truthful, bold and courageous, fearless in speaking the truth though it may be unpopular, ready to help others at all times, he will come to be looked upon as a leader. such a one may not be the winner of the first prize, but, since he is a conscientious worker, will always occupy a respectable place.
He will never be far behind, either in the class room or on the sports field. His example will influence all who come short paragraph on school life contact with him, and his friend will never forget him. friendship are taken very seriously, for men are social creature and like to have friends. Our School friends often remain loved and trusted throughout all our life.
There is no greater pleasure in after years than to attend a reunion of old pupils of the same school. We remember that Major Hameed played for the Hockey in the Olympic games and Imtiaz was our captain at cricket.
What a day it was fifteen years ago when he made a century against West Indies! Our hearts warm still as we think of that exciting finish, and how we carried him shoulder-high from the filed, bat in hand. Sports and games at school are not only for amusement and the development of muscles.
They educate us in sportsmanship and courage, in fair play and obedience to a leader. No one should miss them. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. Indeed school days are the happiest time of life.
But young people are thoughtless and long to be away out into the world, and it is only afterwards, amid the hard struggles of life that they realise how happy were the days spent at school. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing, short paragraph on school life. Your email address will not be published.
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Essay on student life in English -- Paragraphs on student life -- Handwriting ✍️
, time: 6:59Essay on “School life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
17/6/ · Essay On Importance Of School In Our Life. But my school life is really an ideal one. It is ideal in the sense that it’s a period of training in our minds. The impressions which one gets during school life, remain throughout life even if they are good, bad or unique. My school life prepares me to develop good habits as well as right and rational thinking. It makes me duty-bound and obedient 31/7/ · School life. School life is the most pleasant period in a man’s life. Everyone longs for those cheerful days in his later life. One feels very happy when he recalls the old memories of his school life. The joys of school life are numerous. School is a place of youth. Even the old feel happy and smart in the company of young students. It is a carefree life Q1. What is the best thing about school life? A1. The best thing about school life is that we don’t have any burden on our shoulders. All we have to do is eat, sleep, and, study. Q2. Apart from studies what do we get to learn from our school lives? A2. In our school lives, we get to learn a lot. Our school teaches us manners and goodwill and enlist good qualities in us
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