The personal aspect of care is the most important part of the practice – as stated above, nursing is in essence a personal relationship between nurse and patience. Therefore, if there is a lack of care on the part of the nurse, there is consequently a lack of professional fulfillment. However, this This essay has detailed the different aspects of care planning. It has also emphasised the imperative role the mental health nurse plays in the health of people with mental illness. This is echoed by the (NMC ), which states that nurses should act to Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people
An Importance Of Caring in Nursing - Free Essay Example | EduZaurus
Home — Essay Samples — Life — Love — Caring — An Importance Of Caring in Nursing. Caring, as a phrase, carries with it positive connotations — thoughts of humanitarian aid, nursing care essay, neighborly activities, and generosity.
It is an aspect of personal and social life that is almost ubiquitously important. When the phrase is attached to the profession of caring, it becomes even more significant. Since the foundation of nursing as a professional practice, caring has been an integral part of the work. In fact, the two words are almost synonymous. All nursing care essay this is to say that caring is, ostensibly, the very foundation of nursing as a profession and a practice. Thus, healthcare professionals must engage in this art form actively, and seek to engage both its difficulties and its benefits.
This is precisely what this paper seeks to fulfill. It is invisible, however, because this specific aspect of nursing is rarely discussed or considered in the discussions that surround the healthcare system, nursing care essay.
The importance of caring in nursing care essay, however, cannot be oversated — it is integral to the very profession. Seeing as the benefits of nursing care are clear, nursing care essay, the subsequent question is two fold: first, what challenges must be addressed in nursing care and, second, what can nurses and other healthcare professionals do to address these difficulties?
This paper examines three areas in which difficulties to nursing care may arise: the personal, the educational, and the systematic levels. Each of these is looked at in turn, and an attempt to answer each part of the above nursing care essay is made. Through this examination, it is clear that nursing care has hit a crossroads both in personal practice and in professional standards.
Where caring in nursing goes from here will, largely, determine a similar path for the nursing profession as a whole. Given that caring is inherently a personal attitude, choice, and action, nursing care essay, it is clear that caring within the nursing profession begins, and must begin, nursing care essay, here.
The personal aspect of care is the most important part of the practice — as stated above, nursing is in essence a personal relationship between nurse and patience. Therefore, if there is a lack of care on the part of the nurse, there is consequently a lack of professional fulfillment. However, this is not always a choice, per se. While these two may not seem directly related, nursing care essay, they both bear a great impact on the level of personal care a nurse is able to give a patient.
First, it is almost a foregone conclusion to say that nurses experience a great deal of pressure and stress in their work environment. In their paper, nursing care essay, the authors discuss the findings of a study made of 36 nurses from various intensive care units.
In other words, the researchers found a tension in nurses between the desire to care personally for patients and the reality of having to fulfill working expectations and conditions. This is described in terms of Caring For vs. Caring About, nursing care essay. In essence, Caring About is the true ideal of caring within nursing, while Caring For is a necessary byproduct of nursing as a profession.
The resulting effect of the tension between these two aspects of nursing is that neither is able to be fully met by nurses. This may seem an obvious conclusion, but it is of paramount importance for individual employers — such as hospitals and intensive care units — to utilize.
The first and foremost form that this ought to take is mentoring for nurses. An active attempt to address the tensions between Caring For and Caring About head on will, in the long run, help nurses gain insight into how this tension arises and how it can be answered. The end result, it is hoped, is both better professional practice and personal care. A second aspect of the personal answer to nursing care has to do with the experience of the nurse. The research found the ability for nurses to care for their patients was largely dependant on their experience with them.
Therefore, an important aspect of addressing the personal aspect of nursing care is to ensure that nurses both professionals and students nursing care essay a high level of interaction and comfort with their patient base. While this may, in part, be met by educational standards, it will ultimately depend on the individual. Each of these aspects help to qualify nurses for caring at the personal level. The second level that is paramount for the preservation of patient care in nursing practice is found in nursing education.
This perspective, if not universally held, is at least widespread among healthcare practitioners. In other words, the goal of nursing education is not only to instill knowledge and skills, but the philosophy and ethic that are so important for the art of caring in the nursing profession. The ethic of caring may not be able to be taught completely, but can at least be supplemented in a nursing education that includes it.
As Sawatzky et al, nursing care essay. An emphasis on this type of excellence in nursing education will, in turn, instill the ethic of care in the nursing profession.
The long term benefits of highlighting care in education are clear. A more specific approach to the educational aspect of nursing care is that of values. The authors state that there are primary values that ought to be instilled in nursing education. Their discussion of these values is worth quoting at length:. The primary values, on which caring is based, are the so-called platonic basic values: truth, beauty, and goodness, nursing care essay.
The value related to reasoning is truth whereas goodness is connected to will. The values should not be limited to concern only a specific area because it is possible to refer to the goodness and beauty of thoughts as well as to the truth of actions. Values structure the action in their own special way, as our special relationships with other people. From this conception of values, the authors derive three essential factors of care: internal feeling, professional caring, and the ethics of nursing.
Internal feelings, such as empathy, ought to be encouraged in nursing students. Finally, the ethical standards of nursing such as the expectations of nursing activities and interaction with patients ought to be stressed throughout nursing education.
An emphasis on these three essential factors of nursing care in education will, in the long run, lead to better nursing practices outside of the educational setting. The final level of healthcare important to the art of care in nursing practice is that of the overarching system, or structure.
Nearly every social or professional endeavor relies on the cooperation of nursing care essay — whether nursing care essay be institutional or governmental. The case of nursing care is no exception, nursing care essay. Even if nurses have a personal commitment to care and healthcare professionals have an educational mandate to encourage this care, the practice cannot be sustained if it is not supported by nursing care essay healthcare system.
Laurie Gottlieb, the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, released an insightful and challenging editorial in related directly nursing care essay the structural changes needed to maintain care in nursing practice.
In the letter, Nursing care essay highlights the many personal and professional challenges faced by nurses in relation to a failing Canadian system. These highlights are worth quoting at length:. The system under which nurses work has not been as generous, supportive, committed, and loyal to them as nurses have been to it.
It is well documented that nurses have shouldered a disproportionate share of the burden wrought by financial cuts, downsizing, and mergers.
Nurses have been marginalized, de-professionalized, and demoralized. They have endured abuses and working conditions that few other health professionals have had to face. They have paid dearly with their own health, frozen and lost wages, elimination of jobs, a decimated leadership structure, working conditions that border on the inhumane, loss of status, nursing care essay, workplace violence and abuse, shortages, recruitment and retention difficulties — the list goes on.
Gottlieb, This laundry list of challenges can only be solved at the structural level. Individuals will burn out. This may not necessarily mean nursing care essay changes, but it does necessitate an examination of the core of the structure, to ensure that aligns with the nursing ethos of caring.
Care, when properly implemented by a nurse, is exactly what makes nursing such a unique and necessary part of the healthcare system. Therefore, the above levels of care have been briefly examined in order to give a picture of what is needed to continue, or enhance, the practice of caring nursing in the field of healthcare. Personal commitment is not enough. Education is not enough.
Structural changes are not enough. Instead, individual nurses, healthcare professionals, and policymakers must work together in order to affect the needed changes and continue the successes. Care in nursing is at a crossroads, and the careful consideration and application of the above research will prove beneficial for both the personal practice and professional standards of nursing.
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Nursing Care Study Essays. Words9 Pages. This assignment will present a nursing care study of a patient on a cardiac ward. The patient will be referred to as Ann to maintain confidentiality (NMC, ). Ann’s consent was gained prior to starting this care study. The care study will be developed using the Nursing process and the Roper, Logan 19/11/ · This page of the essay has words. Download the full version above. This assignment will discuss and analyse the nursing care given to an 85 year old female patient, during a four week hospital practice placement. In order to fully comply with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct (), full consent has been verbally granted 5/5(1) The Role Of A Nurse Nursing Essay. According to the UK Department of Health () high quality of care is protecting patients’ safety, treating them with dignity, respect, compassion, giving them choice, creating a safe environment, eliminating healthcare acquired infections and avoidable accidents. In practice, Nurses are required to undertake
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