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Expository essay about love

Expository essay about love

expository essay about love

12/2/ · According to Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, love as a holistic system can be divided into three basic subsystems, each with its own functional tasks and roles: sex drive, romantic love, and attachment. Sex drive is necessary to make a person start looking for partners; romantic love appears to help a person hold focus on one specific partner; attachment is An expository essay will investigate, evaluate, and discover an idea. You will look into “love”. When it comes to writing an essay on this topic, you can take a few different approaches. Here is a list of 15 great ideas to write your expository essay on. You will want to explore a topic and then work to explain your opinion to your audience. What is love? Do animals love their owners? Why do we fall in love? Love is like a rose that blossoms into great beauty. Love starts with a seed that has been carefully planted in the garden. Love is much like when meeting someone for the first time. Getting to know each other is just our roots planting firmly in the ground. With each day love is growing stronger and stronger

Expository Essay About Love Free Essays

Love is seen as a highly spiritual and emotional state, expository essay about love where emotion may be part of romantic love, it is certainly not where it ends.

Love may in fact be a facilitator for procreation, and the effects of love may help to keep families together long enough to rear a child to an age where in the wild back in prehistoric times it would stand a chance on its own.

In this essay I will show how love is not just an emotional and spiritual thing. Love has been shown to be the product of chemicals that last for as long as two years.

After two years scientists have found that the chemical that causes what is known as love is gone, expository essay about love. The chemical basis of love has been found to be evident in people that claim they are in love.

They are not found in people that are not in love apart from in very specific circumstances. There is a point where you may eat enough chocolate that it starts to become toxic.

The toxicity would not kill you, in fact expository essay about love you were eating milk chocolate then diabetes would probably kill you before any form of chocolate poisoning. Still, one the consumption of enough chocolate has occurred then the toxicity evokes the same chemicals as the feeling of love. Eating dark chocolate will evoke the chemical feelings of love faster than eating milk or white chocolate.

There is the idea that we as humans are genetically coded to seek out partners. A woman has a limited number of eggs and so treats them with care and respect, ergo she is more selective about her mate.

Men on the other hand may produce a new batch of sperm very quickly and may turn over a new batch every three days if the load is not expelled in the meantime.

This suggests that they look for multiple partners in order to spread their seed to as many females as possible. Love may play a part in this as it may help bond partners so that they look after their young until their young are old enough to survive alone, which in biological terms would be at the age of four years old. Exclusive mating is not uncommon expository essay about love the animal kingdom, expository essay about love, nor it the idea of a monogamous female and a polygamous male.

For example, in the cat world a female will mate with just one alpha cat, but that same cat will have a harem of females that he mates with. We are also at the mercy of our animal instincts. Some people are even able to master their emotions too. Welcome to the world of case studies that can bring you high grades! Here, at ACaseStudy. com, we deliver professionally written papers, and the best grades for you from your professors are expository essay about love I'm Anna.

Would you like to get a custom case study? How about receiving a customized one? Expository Essay: What is love? Introduction Love is seen as a highly spiritual and emotional state, and where emotion may be part of romantic love, it is certainly not where it ends. Thesis In this essay I will show how love is not just an emotional and spiritual thing. order now. Related posts: Essay about love and heartbreak — Five-paragraph Essay Essay about cell phones — Expository essay Essay about love and hate — Compare And Expository essay about love Essay An Expository Essay: Respect Yourself Expository Essay: When Does A Fear Become A Phobia?

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Expository Essay

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Essay Expository on Love - Words | Bartleby

expository essay about love

12/9/ · If you did not know already, there are several types of love. The usual flavor of love we see in films and other media products is romantic love, as it is seen as the most appealing. However, literature and psychology has identified seven types of love. These include sexual, friendly, family, universal, playful, practical, and self love Love is like a rose that blossoms into great beauty. Love starts with a seed that has been carefully planted in the garden. Love is much like when meeting someone for the first time. Getting to know each other is just our roots planting firmly in the ground. With each day love is growing stronger and stronger 8/5/ · The sample academic papers Example Of Expository Essay About Love can be used for the following purposes: to enhance your subject knowledge; to cite references for ideas and numerical data included; to paraphrase the content, in line with your school's academic integrity policy. # 91

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