Thursday, April 29, 2021

Ap euro industrial revolution dbq

Ap euro industrial revolution dbq

ap euro industrial revolution dbq

Dbq industrial revolution ap euro QUESTION The reform movements of the 19c were a response to the excesses of the Industrial Revolution. Using the documents and your general knowledge of European history, assess the validity of this statement. DOCUMENT #1 SOURCE: 19c British textile workers. DOCUMENT #2 SOURCE: 19c British mine workers AP European History AP Euro is an in-depth survey of Europe History from the High Renaissance (about ) up until the present era. AP classes are the equivalent of a freshmen or sophomore level university class, and are designed to challenge the students with complex concepts and strenuous workloads. The course is designed to prepare students for the AP exam;

DBQ- Industrial Revolution - Law Essays

The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late It had a wide range of negative and positive effects in which it affected the economic and social life on the people living in England. These outcomes have been interpreted by different views of people such as factory owners, the government, factory workers, and others who viewed the conditions of the industrial cities at the time, ap euro industrial revolution dbq.

There were many positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution, ap euro industrial revolution dbq. That was at noon. School was not important during this time period because many factory owners needed a huge amount of cheap labor.

The textile factories allowed children to make money in order to support their family due to the higher living expenses of ap euro industrial revolution dbq. Many farmers were kicked out of their land to search for new jobs in which they settled in the city.

According to an excerpt from the testimony of Joseph Hebergam to the Sadler Committee an investigation group led by Michael Sadler on the conditions of the textile factoriesthe testimony described the negative effects of the Industrial revolution.

My leg muscles do not function properly and will not support the weight of my bones. Many factory workers faced great health problems due to the working conditions that surrounded them. Factories consisted of dirty floors that were filled with dusts, ap euro industrial revolution dbq, rooms that had little or no windows for fresh air and ap euro industrial revolution dbq little or no sunlight, and dangerous machines worked by children.

Lack of sunlight caused depression, dust caused lung cancer, and long hours caused deformed growth abilities. Also, many children were injured by the machines. Due to the long hours of labor, children usually had lack of concentration in which their body parts would get caught between the machines. Textile factories were filled with children, running machines, and harsh labor conditions. Children had to work long hours 18 hours making pence a day and received little nutrition in which it led to many health conditions such as lung disease, improper bone growth, and back problems spines were bent rather then ap euro industrial revolution dbq up-straight.

Meal were eaten one time a day and would consists of carbohydrates a source of energy. Children also received no education in which many could no write but could only read simple phrases used in the factories ex: work.

More of, many children died due to being cut by running machines such as scavenger, in which ap euro industrial revolution dbq aged children had to crawl under machines in motion to pick up fallen cotton in which it caused serious injuries.

The Industrial Revolution led to faster and cheaper manufactures that were not available two or three centuries ago. Materials began to be mass produced and use throughout the world as Great Britain traded their products with other foreign countries. This also allowed people to travel ten times quicker plane and shipsbuild houses better, produce clothes are cheaper, and acquire infinite number of domestic utensils materials used in everyday life.

Due to the Industrial Revolution,Great Britain became a dominate country in which is controlled many countries and gained wealth due to trade with other countries. This also led other ap euro industrial revolution dbq to their own Industrial Revolution such as USA during the early s to the late s.

and early business theoristap euro industrial revolution dbq,Ure described the positive effects of the Industrial Revolution. Ure points out the benefits of industrialization to a country as a whole such as greater productivity and overall increase in wealth. This meant that the children enjoyed their long hours of labor and also concluded that the children were better of working in the factories rather than staying at home.

many apartments during the Industrial Revolution were crowded, damp, and cold. Ure also ignored the working and living conditions of factory workers and believed that workers were better off under industrialization rather than to trying to live as farmers. The Industrial Revolution allowed products to be produced quicker and brought at a cheaper price. People were able to buy things quicker, travel faster, build stronger architectural building and obtain infinite amounts of domestic utensils.

Children during this time were active and cheerful in which they worked long hours. The working labor of the textile industries allowed the technology of mass productions of items such as chairs, cups, ap euro industrial revolution dbq, and spoons which are all used in everything life. In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution began in England in the late The Industrial revolution allowed products to be mass produced but caused a great grief in the working class during this time period.

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How to Write a DBQ: USING THE DOCUMENTS (AP World, AP U.S., AP Euro)

, time: 6:52

DBQ Essay: Effects Of The Industrial Revolution |

ap euro industrial revolution dbq

Industrial Revolution DBQ Use Heimler's format worksheet to work through the DBQ. Turn in either a picture of the worksheet or a word document you type up. Historical Context: The Industrial Revolution marked the change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing Nathan Han Jamie Pettersen AP Euro 29 January Excesses of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a time when there were changes in both societies and even in economics. Urbanization was key at the time, for society was moving from handmade products to factory-made Save Save AP Euro DBQ Essay For Later. % % found this document useful, Mark this document as useful. 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. Embed. Share. The expansion of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century led to the proliferation of

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